Beautiful spiritual pieces transcending category limits!
Latest collaboration Manya N Jewelry x A'myn! Creating new ways of inspiring mindfulness in your lifestyle! The artistically hand-embroidered Aljabra Serenity was draped and twisted to create and enhance the exclusive statement-necklace and model! Both the Serenity and Necklace are sustainable and were brought together based on values: ethical fashion, art & design, handmade and collectibles! Available for future collaborations! @amyn.official

making an impact

Canvas Collection
A series of original designs developed in cooperation with select artists, this collection of serenity rugs focuses on beauty, creativity, and self-expression.

Hand Tailored Bags
Every Serenity rug is packaged in a Diamond Quilted Bag, and with sustainability in mind, their multi-use adds value. Available in different sizes.

A’myn Serenity rugs are hand embroidered by the skilled women residing in the villages and refugee camps of Jordan. A’myn pursues every opportunity to express gratitude...